Thursday, January 14, 2010

Homework Avoidance Syndrome

It's that time of year again, Spring semester has started and I'm back in school. This means a lot of little chores at home are going to get accomplished in the name of Homework Avoidance. So far, H.A. has helped me to clean the glass on the fish tank, organize some end-of-year receipts, write and send thank you cards for baby gifts, and clean my desk. Tasks I hope to accomplish in the future due to H.A. are scrubbing the bird cage, shovel the walks, and clean the fridge. And tomorrow I'm going to...

Just kidding. But I do seem to find a lot of little things to do that probably don't need to be done right now, but should be done eventually. These "lot of little things" prevent my homework from getting done until the last possible moment before it's due to be turned in. This can be frustrating, but the H.A. activities actually make me feel that I've accomplished something. It's a trade-off...

1 comment:

  1. I am the same way. It's amazing all the little tasks that you can complete with "dread energy".
